Thursday, October 15, 2009


Can't wait for the play tomarrow, unfortunatly, I have to dress up! Learned that today, darn it. Good news: I can take my brother to it! I'm picking him up a little before the end of A period and he's coming with us! That's gonna be awesome! Chowder! (Brother=Cam=Chowder) Anyways, don't worry drama buds, I decieded that I won't stand up and embarrass you all. W.e., next time!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Ok, I have a clarinet solo! Still seaching for an oboe, sax, etc. solo. But anyways, back to the clarinet. My solo is AWESOME! Its french, about 6 mins, and at least like a grade 5! Its really fun, and sounds beautiful too. It was between this song and a motzart song with a cool cadenza, but I already played a mozart piece like that one, so I chose this solo! Its REALLY slow, and REALLY fast! Confusing, but it'll make sense if I show you the music and you listen to it. If you want to hear it, seach youtube, but I dont know if they have it. I know they have it on Itunes though, so its Solo De Concours, by Henri Rabaud (composer, not artist), if you wanna spend a buck on it. Anyhoo, its an awesome solo, working hard on it, and can't wait to perform! It'll be awesome!

Hail to the Source!

(fail at a signature)


ATTENTION ALL BAND GEEKS!!! IVE BEEN HEARING LATELY THAT YES, THERE IS ALL COUNTY!!! However, it is all of high school, 9, 10,11, and 12, with the top high school requirements, so you best get ready! Auditions are in april I think, but I'm not sure of the exact date or place, I heard the place but forgot, I'll say when I remember. I dont have full details, but I'll be back with them when I get them! Good Luck to all auditioners!

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Hey, those few people who actually know that this blog exists! I've started a charity called Local Love, we really need donations! We donate bikes to poor children who need transportation and just fun. Its a really good cause, please donate! If you need any info, my number is 954-461-7690 and... e-mail is! Thank you for your support! I need money and toys for the kids! Already have 3 bikes, hoping for 20!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Religious Story

Once there was a religious man. He was as religious as you can get, his faith and conviction were amazing. One had to respect him for his belief. One day, a hurricane warning came out, warning all residents of his town in florida to exacuate. He refused, saying God would protect him. When the evacuators came to his house to ask him to evacuatue, he refused, saying God would protect him. The police soon found out, and came to his house. He refused to leave, saying God would protect him. Then the hurricane came. The final evacuations were sent out, and still the man refusd to leave, so firm was his conviction. The hurricane started to rise in intensity, and the firemen came to get the man out, hearing he had been trapped in his house. He refused to leave with them, saying as he did before, God would protect him. In the middle of the hurricane, he had to climb to the roof, his house was flooded so badly. The navy came in a helicopter, dropped a ladder, and asked him to please climb up. He refused, saying God would protect him, the most devout of all followers. About two hours later, the hurricane ended. The man was found dead. When he ascended to heaven, he immediatly demanded to see God. He was furious he had died, and as soon has he met with God, he asked, "Why would you let me die? I believed in you!". God looked at the man and said "I didn't want you to die. I sent the police to save you. I sent the firemen to save you. I sent the navy to send you. You let yourself die."

What do you think of this story? Its a family story, please tell me what you think. Please comment!

ROUGH DRAFT: Give Kids the World

Charity is a wonderful thing. It helps those in need, and it makes us feel good about ourselves doing it. Whether we do it out of the kindness of our hearts, because we have the time to do it, in honor of a loved one in need, or for the simple reason of community service hours, it is always a gift of the heart. When most people think charity, they think of writing a check, donating money to organizations such as The Heart Association, March of Dimes or Make-a-Wish, I Care I Cure, or Save Darfur. What many forget however, is one of the greatest gift of all is not funds, but a moment of hope and happiness, which is what the North Broward Preparatory school bands provided this Saturday to those children of Give Kids the World Village.
I was lucky enough to be part of this group, in both the Pep Band, and the Jazz Band. There was the normal hectic morning as I arrived, everyone trying to help out in some way or another. I think I did my little part by bringing coffee and donuts for everyone. After we put our equipment away and got on the bus, we rushed to grab seats next to our friends. Throughout the ride, me and my friends hung out, gossiped, did what teens did. We arrived at our first stop, Ripley’s Believe-it-or-Not Museum. There was an extra surprise there, not just the museum. When we got out of the bus, I saw a great gift there. There were my old band-buds, from a former charity event in Europe. We got right back together, caught up, and hung out for the rest of the trip.
Ripley’s was fun and hilarious, as was lunch at Friday’s. When we got to the main event, we were given time to explore, as the sound was not working. Me and my friends went to the famed chapel. In it were four books, the Bible, the Torah, and two books that were the cumulative journals of the children and families of Give Kids the World. My closest friends and I were overcome by the chapel and the stories. As I looked around, I saw all my friends crying, and then felt the tears well up in my eyes. We had to leave; it was such an emotional setting.
As I came back to the preforming area, I was given renewed energy and conviction for what I was giving by the chapel and what it meant for me. I gave it my all, and sensed that around me, my friends and peers were doing the same. It was an amazing feeling giving of myself to those children. I would do it again in a heartbeat. I already have three times, and am looking forward to a fourth.
As we rode back from Give Kids the World, and me and my friends talked about it among other things, I reflected on my experience. It had been my 3rd time at Give Kids the World, although I knew that for many of my friends it was a first experience. I remember what it meant to me. One of the most moving experiences I felt was in the chapel. I remember seeing those around me cry out of sadness and helplessness, thinking about how unfortunate these children were. I cried as well, but for very different reasons. I cried tears of joy, looking around me, and knowing that we are in a world where everyone either has a chance for happiness, or is provided one by those who have. I cried for the happiness that Give Kids the World represented, and gave. I knew Give Kids the World did not represent sadness and helplessness, but it represented those four words in the chapel. I cried for Peace, Hope, Faith, and Love, the four factors that truly make us one, and gives every man, woman, and child, a chance.

Friday, October 2, 2009

I finally worked out how to blog, im not gonna be great at it, but ill just write down w.e. I think about w.e., isnt that the point? Ok, Ill be starting soon